Introduction of a company

Introduction of a company

The organization responsible for the region, based on the approval of the Board of Ministers, is the Iran Industries Expansion and Modernization Organization, which in order to focus the activities related to the construction and exploitation of this special zone, the Garmsar Special Economic Zone Management Company on 11/07/1395 Registration of non-commercial companies and institutions of Tehran under registration number 2965 and national ID number 14006213764 established as a private joint stock company and assigned the responsibility of project implementation to that company.

Iran Industries Development and Modernization Organization is the major shareholder of the company (99%) and a number of subsidiary companies of that organization are the other shareholders of the company. The main center and registered address of the company is Garmsar city, Lajran district, Garmsar special economic zone, Tehran Garmsar road, main boulevard, postal code 3588150801.

Company activities

The subject of this company's activity is to provide and create the necessary facilities in order to implement the legal requirements contained in the Law on the Formation and Administration of Special Economic Zones of the Islamic Republic of Iran and to establish the grounds for using the benefits and capacities of the aforementioned law and other relevant regulations, including the following:

Preparation and compilation of comprehensive and physical plans of the special region

 Design, engineering, construction and implementation of infrastructure plans and projects such as water, electricity, gas, telecommunications, etc. according to the laws and regulations of the country and special regions.

 Providing conditions for investment attraction and directing them towards the growth and development of infrastructure sectors and other related industries

 Providing conditions for the construction of production, service, industrial and mining units

 Creating suitable contexts to facilitate and accelerate the implementation of projects and the development of the special zone by using the general or exclusive advantages and privileges associated with the special zones.

 Creating a platform and suitable fields for any commercial, service, commercial and other industrial activities

Issuing permits and completion of work to carry out economic and civil construction, cultural, educational and service activities in accordance with the policies and regulations of the government related to special areas

 Creating suitable grounds for applying and implementing the facilities and exemptions stipulated in the law on the establishment and administration of special economic zones of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its executive regulations regarding investors and economic activists.

 Protection and maintenance of goods, equipment and devices of investors within the special zone by using the power and cooperation of the security and law enforcement agencies of the special zone.

 Establishing interaction and cooperation with executive bodies in order to advance the goals and missions of the management company in the special region

 Providing public, infrastructure and engineering services and transportation, storage, unloading, loading, health, cultural, communication, educational and welfare facilities, etc.

Issuing business cards and determining the criteria for issuing cards for applicants and economic operators of the special economic zone based on the relevant laws and regulations

 Other missions and duties that are assigned to the management company within or outside the legal scope of the organization or the secretariat of the Supreme Free and Special Economic Council.

  The most important rules and regulations governing the activities of the region and the company

 Legal statute of the company

 The law on the establishment and administration of special economic zones and its executive regulations

 Labor law, trade and tax laws and social security law

 Circulars of the country's program and budget organization

 Circulars of the Supreme Council of Free and Special Economic Zones of the country

 Other official laws of the country and approvals of the Council of Ministers

 Accounting and auditing standards

 Approvals of the company's general meetings and board of directors

 Instructions, regulations issued by the Organization of Development and Modernization of Industries of Iran as the major shareholder of the company